Monday, November 30, 2015

Paul Ryan

After Mr. Boehner stepped down from Speaker of the house, third in line to become a president, Republican Paul Ryan was officially elected as the 54th speaker of the House after he got the votes of 236 members of the full House of Representatives.  The 45 year old Wisconsin Republican first worked on Capitol Hill as a legislative aide in 1992 and won his house seat position in 1998 at age 28. After handed the gavel and congratulated, he turned the page saying " a lot is on our shoulders." and to pray for each other-- Republicans for Democrats, Democrats for Republicans. He is well known for attracting national attention for his sweeping proposals to overhaul Medicare and restructure the tax code.

North Carolina's primaries

Governor Pat McCrory signed into law a move for all North Carolina's primaries to March 15 which includes political parties' presidential contests. He signed it before the the lawmakers adjourned for the year. This means that the candidate filing period for all elections begins on December 1, two months earlier rather in May slot. The General Assembly  agreed two years ago to move North Carolina's primaries to March to increase  North Carolina's clout. This also saves the money between the financial costs of holding two primaries and saving the public any confusion. This law is significant because normally the primaries are held in May but for North Carolina it moves earlier to March that means they elected earlier.  This help reduce confusion between the primaries and saves money between the counties.

Stopgap sending bill

Just hours before the midnight deadline, Obama signed the stopgap spending bill that averts shutdown. This gives congress and the president about 10 more weeks to fashion longer-lasting budget deal. When Obama signed it he said Americans deserve far better than last-lasting, short-term legislating. The legislation finances the government for 10 more weeks ,until December 11,  to negotiate a more wide-ranging budget deal that will carry past the next presidential election. The administration is seeking on spending the money on defense and domestic programs in the coming negotiations, while many others want to stop the spending increase, or limit the money on to defense.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Speaker of the House

Boehner stepping down 

Mr. Boehner told almost no one about his decision about resigning. He said in the news conference in the Capitol " This morning I woke up," and said told his wife that he is going to resign. Just like that he just resigned. He resigned from one of the biggest position in the house, Speaker of the House. Why is it so significant? Well the speaker of the house is third in line to become the president of the United States. Paul Ryan, Republican, step in and is the new Speaker of the House. 

70th UN General Assembly

On September 28, the 70th UN General Assembly in New York. In the first speech as president of  the General Assembly, Danish politician Mogens Lykketoft spoke about "an urgent need for action" Mr. Lykketoft was appointed in position after an election in June. He has significant experience serving as the speaker of the Danish Parliament. By the end of the month, they want to adopt the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The goals of the agenda is to include eradicating poverty in all its forms everywhere, ending hunger, and promoting gender equality. The countries want to launch the big project over the next 15 years.

Why are people leaving Syria

Reasons for leaving 

  1. The war in Syria does not seem to have sign that it will end any time soon. They leave to neighboring countries and the people are losing hope that they can return 
  2. There is no way to work in Syria, and they are force to leave there homes with no shelter and they are left in the street where they can get kidnapped or killed.
  3. There is not enough help to aid the refugees in the regions. Since the numbers of refugees are increasing there is less aid and not enough people to help all the refugees. 
  4. Syrian children are going long enough without education.  Syrians prize education highly. Many young girls are losing the opportunity of education that they are forced to get married at a early age. 

Reopening relations with Cuba

America embassy reopens in Cuba Again 

After 54 years, U.S. embassy open relations with Cuba, the most influential symbol of the shift in the relations between the two countries after the Cold War. Secretary of State John Kerry travel to Havana less than 12 hours to reopen relations with Cuba again since it was closed in 1961 when Eisenhower had ties with government of Fidel Castro. The country, Cuba is slowly in transition that even cuban officials say that. Also, they believe that it is up to the Cuban people to determine what their country will look like and they hope that Americans can influence democracy can be delivered in a voice that will be hard to silence. With reopening the relations with Cuba, the U.S. removes them from the terrorist list.  With opening relations with Cuba ease tension with United States.